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Botley Parish Council Co-option                        Botley Logo
There are TWO vacancies on Botley Parish Council following an uncontested election on 02 May 2024.
The vacancies will be filled by co-option at a Council meeting to be held on Tuesday 10 September 2024.
To obtain an application form please contact the Parish Clerk, email: .
Mrs J Morgan, Parish Clerk         Botley Parish Council,
The Botley Centre, High Street Recreation Ground, High Street,
Botley SO30 2ES      phone: 01489 787181
  The Neighbourhood Plan looks to the future of Botley Parish until 2036.
When Adopted, EBC has to take it into account in Planning Applications and other matters.
For more details click on NP Information

Lovers Lane and Beyond

A short walk through Botley - just perfect for an evening stroll.

Leave the village in Four Acres, and walk down Lovers Lane - a very old pathway which leads down to and over a stream which is a tributary of the Hamble. Walk up past some cottages then across some fields towards Brook Lane. Halfway across the fields you have the choice of turning left or going straight on. Either way you meet Church Lane. You can now either go back to the village along the lane, past Steeple Court - look out for the vineyard to your left,  or you can enter Manor Farm and have an extended walk around the Park.


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