A Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment is carried out by Eastleigh Borough Council to identify possible sites for future development

Paper covering aspects of education in and around Botley

Paper covering aspects of Botley's Heritage and History

Parish Council's request to Eastleigh Borough Council for designation of the Neighbourhood Plan area - 13 October 2015

Eastleigh Borough Council's response to Parish Council's request for designation of the Neighbourhood Plan area - 01 Devember 2015

Map of designated area for the Botley Neighbourhood Plan

Botley specific Housing Need Assessment performed on behalf of Botley Parish Council by AECOM

Brief outline of Planning Policy in the National, Eastleigh and Botley context

Appendix to the Heritage, Design & Materials Paper identifying Listed Buildings

Images for the Heritage, Design & Materials Paper

Outline of Botley's Heritage, Housing Design and Housing Materials

Guidance provided by Locality on the Community Infrastructure Levy

Locality guidance about Neighbourhood Plan development

Outline of the present infrastructure and future infrastructure needs in Botley

Natural England's advice to Local Planning Authorities on Nitrates - June 2019

Timeline and nature of community engagement

The Vision & Objectives form the basis of Policies in the Botley Neighbourhood Plan

Appendices to Infrastructure Paper

Appendix 1 to Communication Paper - Botley News and Botley Bridge articles

Appendix 2 to Communication Paper - Surveys

Appendix 3 to Communication Paper - Press Releases, Flyers, FaceBook post and Photographs

Appendix 4 to Communication Paper - monthly reports to the Parish Council, Updates and Change List

Paper covering aspects of the local economy

Paper covering aspects of local healthcare

Appendix to the Health& Wellbeing Paper

2016 and 2017 Community Questionnaires and 2016 and 2019 Traders Surveys

Data from 2016 Community Questionnaire

Results from the 2016 Community Questionnaire

Traders Reports from 2016 and 2019 Surveys

Comments from the 2016 and 2017 public exhibition, the 2019 community consultation and the 2020 public meetings