BOTLEY NEIGHBOURHOOD PLAN - Meet & Greet Dates and Locations
Below is a set of Dates, Times and Locations where Councillors and Others will be available to
answer queries about the Neighbourhood Plan prior to the Referendum.
Wednesday 15th January - BOORLEY PARK Pavillion Room 1900-2100
Saturday 25th January - BOORLEY PARK Main Hall 1200-1500
Saturday 15th February Diamond Jubilee Hall 1100 - 1600
Saturday 15th March Botley Centre 1200 - 1500
Saturday 29th March Diamond Jubilee Hall 1100 - 1400
Saturday 12th April Botley Centre Main Hall 12:00 - 16:00
Saturday 26th April Botley Market Hall 12:00 -1600
This has the old items