BOTLEY NEIGHBOURHOOD PLAN - Meet & Greet Dates and Locations
Below is a set of Dates, Times and Locations where Councillors and Others will be available to
answer queries about the Neighbourhood Plan prior to the Referendum.
Wednesday 15th January - BOORLEY PARK Pavillion Room 1900-2100
Saturday 25th January - BOORLEY PARK Main Hall 1200-1500
Saturday 15th February Diamond Jubilee Hall 1100 - 1600
Saturday 15th March Botley Centre 1200 - 1500
Saturday 29th March Diamond Jubilee Hall 1100 - 1400
Saturday 12th April Botley Centre Main Hall 12:00 - 16:00
Saturday 26th April Botley Market Hall 12:00 -1600
Details and downloadable documents for Stage 16 are listed below. (These are presenly being updated)

When the Inspector is satisfied that the Plan is compliant with Neighborhood Planning requirements, a Referendum of Botley Residents will be carried out by EBC as the final decision process, which is a simple majority of thse who vote in the referendum. Details of the final referedum will be circulated when dates are known.
Main Index
- Foreword ........................................... 3
- Introduction ...................................... 5
- Neighbourhood Plan Area .............. 6
- Key stages in preparing the Plan ... 7
- Consultation ............................. 8
- Monitoring the Plan ................. 8
- Policies and Objectives matrix ....... 9
- History of Botley ............................. 11
- Recent historic past ............... 12
- Botley today ............................ 13
- Air quality in Botley ........................ 14
- Household incomes ....................... 15
- Planning pipeline ............................ 15
- Local infrastructure ........................ 16
- Profile of the community ...... 17
- Vision and objectives ..................... 20
- Challenges for Botley ............. 21
- Vision for Botley ..................... 22
- Objectives for Botley ............. 23
- Policies See opposite for policies index
- Community aspirations ................. 90
- List of appendices .......................... 91
Policies Index
- Economy policies
- Policy One: Retention of existing commercial premises page 27
- Policy Two: Retail development sites page 29
- Environment and character policies
- Policy Three: Local green space page 31
- Policy Four: Infrastructure investment policies page 40
- Policy Five: Site for new cemetery page 45
- Policy Six: Local Settlement Gaps page 46
- Development policies
- Development in Botley page 51
- Future development page 53
- Policy Seven: Site One - Woodhill School site page 54
- Policy Eight: Mitigation page 61
- Policy Nine: Site BO3 page 62
- Policy Ten: Utilities provision page 65
- Policy Eleven: Flood mitigation and water page 68
- Policy Twelve: Strategic high and intermediate pressure pipelines page 72
- Policy Thirteen: Parking standards for residential development page 74
- Policy Fourteen: Housing mix and affordable housing page 77
- Policy Fifteen: Built form, design and materials page 81
- Policy Sixteen: Renewable energy page 83
- Traffic policies
- Policy Seventeen: Parking infrastructure page 85
- Policy Eighteen: Community infrastructure page 87

Basically a summary of the Neighbourhood Plan. This was circulated to all households in Botley Parish in October/November 2022.

The SA process consider ways the Neigbourhood Plan could contribute to improvements in environmental, social and economic conditions.

This document assesses the sustainability of the Neighbourhod Plan as positive, negative or no change by use of coloured block diagrams.

Click interactive map of Botley to view.(opens in a new tab/window)
Use the Scroll wheel on your mouse or the +/- symbols at top left to enlarge/reduce map size. Use left button to drag.
Click on at top right of interactive map to see overlays of Conservation areas, Policy 3, Policy4, etc.
In Policy 6 (Settlement Gaps) Blue overlay is EBC existing, Purple is NP addition.

Maps showing the 30 local 'green spaces' in Botley Parish. These do not include the Country Park as it is not formally a 'green space'. It does include Play Areas.

These images give a view of the proposed areas in Policy 6 to be included as additional settlement gaps. (S6)

Maps showing potential Flood Zones in Botley Parish. These are essentially the River Hamble and its tributaries.

This is a copy of the article in Botley News 2023 about the status of the Neighbourhood Plan process at that time.

This technical 18 page planning document notes conformity with the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF), with Sustainability aspects (Economic, Social & Environmental), Human Rights, Prescribed Conditions and that it has general conformability with the EBC Local Plan.

Has general details of the people and organisations who were consulted about the proposed
Neighbourhood Plan.
Also see Consultation Appendix 2 for individual responses

This map is of the entire Botley Parish. It is the formally designated area to which the Neighbourhood Plan applies.

Clarifies that this NP wouldhavenosignificantimpacton agroupwith protectedcharacteristics

Discusses effect of Neighbourhod Plan on the environment. It notes that Policies 7, 8 and 9 provide for residential allocation. If no mitigation were applied it could cause recreational harm to Solent European sites and similar local sites by discharge of nitrates via sewage and runoff. So mitigation will be required. This is quite usual for anywhere in Eastleigh. Mitigation is readily available.

A list of National and Local Listed Buildings. There are 51 nationally listed buildings in Botley, more than in any other other part of Eastleigh Borough

Contains a variety of statistics about Botley Parish compared to Eastliegh Borough and England. Age, employment and travel are included.

This document lists, in no specific order, the aspirations of the residents of Botley Parish.
These aspirations were gathered from consultations, exhibitions and similar.

This document assesses the housing needs in Botley Parish. It concludes that a strong focus should be placed on delivering more affordable housing, to enable all potential residents to access housing in Botley.

This 58 page report examines the the potential building sites proposed in the Neighbourhood Plan. After excluding sites already allocated in the EBC Local Plan, it concurs with the Neighbourhood Plan that the two Woodhill School sites, which total 40 dwellings, are the ony viable sites that meet the Strategic Assessment criteria.

This very long document has 387 pages but the part specific to Botley is in the first 26 pages.
After downloading it opens with a blank page!! And the next page only has a logo at the botttom
It has 5 Appendices. Appendix 1 is a map of Botley Parish. Appendix 2 (219 pages) covers relevant conservation information from English Nature and Natural England for this part of Southen England. Appendix 3 (28 pages) relates to the conservation of wild birds and RAMSAR Wetland whilst Appendix 4 (88 pages) is concerned with some rarer fauna and flora. Finally Appendix 5 (22 pages) deals with the Emer Bog Special Area of Conservation.

This Guide has set out to address and assess the key factors that combine to make up the essential heritage, character and appearance of Botley Parishfor any future develepments. A significant amount of heritage and other background material is included.

This gives individual responses to the Regulation 14 Consultation