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  The Neighbourhood Plan looks to the future of Botley Parish until 2036.
When Adopted, EBC has to take it into account in Planning Applications and other matters.
For more details click on NP Information

Parish Council



This section of the community website contains the agendas and minutes of the Council and Committee meetings, its financial transactions and items required by the Transparency Code.  It also has contact details for your Councillors - Parish, Borough and County together with information on the services provided by the Parish Council.

The Parish Council meetings are open to all. We are all stakeholders in the life of our community.

We value your feedback. If you have any comments please contact myself or members of the Council either by e-mail or by phone and we will see what we can do to help you.

To find more information about Botley Parish Council either click on the relevant menu item above or use the direct link as noted in the table below.

For meeting times of the Council and its principle sub committees www.botley.com/parish-council-meeting-times
To find who are your current councillors and their contact details www.botley.com/parish-councillors
To contact the Parish Council www.botley.com/parish-council-contact
For details of the Recreation Grounds www.botley.com/recreation-grounds
For current and back issues of Botley News www.botley.com/botley-news
To download and read the Agenda and Minutes of the Parish Council and its sub committees
To download and read the details of the Parish Council financial income and expenditure www.botley.com/parish-council-financial
 Transparency Code Documents    under construction


Janet Morgan
Clerk to Botley Parish Council; Office telephone: 01489 787181; email:

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